This was 2016! – Part II
Dear Alice,
This was 2016, another great year! I am very confident that 2017 will be at least as good, as challenging, as full of lessons learned and shared experiences as this one, if not better!
Dear Alice,
This was 2016, another great year! I am very confident that 2017 will be at least as good, as challenging, as full of lessons learned and shared experiences as this one, if not better!
Dear Alice,
I hope you had some great Christmas holidays together with your family and your loved ones,
I hope you enjoyed the lovely and unique Christmas moments,
I hope you are doing well and
I hope that you are full of energy and optimism for the New Year that is about to knock at our doors in a couple of days!
I hope that too!
Dear Alice,
Long time no hear! Indeed it was. My apologies for this long passive period. The main reason for this was a very simple one, a reason that required a lot of undivided attention from my side, and that is moving to a new apartment.