One Year of “Talking2Alice”
Dear Alice,
Even if with a little bit of delay, I would like to wish you “Happy Birthday” for your first year of existence! I wish you a lot of new and interesting posts, with a lot of engaging subjects and topics.
Dear Alice,
Even if with a little bit of delay, I would like to wish you “Happy Birthday” for your first year of existence! I wish you a lot of new and interesting posts, with a lot of engaging subjects and topics.
Dear Alice,
Here are my resolutions for 2017 (I am very confident that I will have the energy and the determination to fulfill as many of them as possible):
Dear Alice,
This was 2016, another great year! I am very confident that 2017 will be at least as good, as challenging, as full of lessons learned and shared experiences as this one, if not better!
Dear Alice,
I hope you had some great Christmas holidays together with your family and your loved ones,
I hope you enjoyed the lovely and unique Christmas moments,
I hope you are doing well and
I hope that you are full of energy and optimism for the New Year that is about to knock at our doors in a couple of days!
I hope that too!
Dear Alice,
Long time no hear! Indeed it was. My apologies for this long passive period. The main reason for this was a very simple one, a reason that required a lot of undivided attention from my side, and that is moving to a new apartment.