Top 10 List: Movies of 2016 To Watch
Dear Alice,
For today I thought about starting yet another interesting series with you for this year and that is the “Top 10 List” series. So today I will present you my “Top 10 List: Movies of 2016 to Watch”.
I loove watching movies, either comfortable at home or either comfortable in the cinema. Both locations have their own magic so to say. It turns out that in 2016 I watched a certain amount of really good movies. I would definitely like to continue this in 2017, but till then here is my “Top 10 List of (2016) Movies to Watch”:
- Independence Day: Resurgence. Great special effects, a good enough plot to build the suspense for the watcher and for the audience, original ideas presenting Elisabeth Lanford as the President of the U.S. and imagining that the “future is female”! Yes all the right ingredients to bring Independence Day on Number 10 of my list.
- The Legend of Tarzan. You have to love this movie, if only to enjoy the performance of Christopher Walz (yes, well done!) and in parallel of Margot Robbie. I definitely like her performance a lot, she interprets an authentic Jane, and now and then she is even the female version of Christopher Walz, confronting him directly in a very genuine and personalized way. Other then this, the story is quite classical, with some modern contemporary deviations who fit quite well and who actually remind us to “appreciate the little things in life”! They are the most important. Yes well done. Welcome to my Number 9 “The Legend of Tarzan”.
- Snowden. This movie has a very intricate subject. I did like it with some exceptions, but it does make Number 8 of my list for depicting very realistically events inspired from real life and for putting out there on the big screen some general truths that we, as the inhabitants of this Planet, should be aware of! So do watch this movie, if only to understand a bit more how our world works.
- X-Men: Apocalypse. A very good superhero movie, that brings the suspense up to its maximum and that surprises you with its turns of events. And Jennifer Lawrence and Michael Fassbender are some fine X-Men after-all. It is a story about courage, about overcoming your own fears and about embracing your flaws and making the best out of them. These are only some example of learnt (or recalled) lessons from the film at a glance of an eye. So do take the time to watch this movie, you will not regret my Number 7 on my list.
- Star Trek Beyond. Yes “Star Trek” is back and captain Kirk is finally defending his ships and his companions making use of his qualities as a captain. I notice a big difference to the previous “Star Trek” movies, which I unfortunately did not enjoy. But this “Star Trek” is back on track in my opinion, so do give it a chance. Yes Number 6 on my Top 10 list.
- Rogue One: A Starwars Story. If “Star Trek” was back on track with the last movie, I would say that “Rogue One: A Starwars Story” did the same for “Star Wars”. It definitely brought it back on track. If you liked “Star Wars- Episode 4,5,6”, then you should definitely see this movie. Yes there is still hope out there for “Star Wars” after “Episode 7”, and it is called “Rogue One: A Starwars Story”.
- Warcraft. Who would have thought “Warcraft” would be such a success in my opinion and it would make Number 4 on my list? Definitely not me. Inspired from a well-known computer game, “Warcraft” will not only amaze you with the magnificent special effects, but also with the amazing story and the interesting plot. My only thought, when this movie was over, was “Okay so when will I get to see the sequel?”
- Captain America: Civil War. Here is number 3 on my list. A movie about courage, overcoming difficulties in one’s life and fighting battles you do not always want to fight but you have to, and nonetheless compassion. A movie with overwhelming special effects and an outstanding superheros mixture and funny dialogs. I have to say that I really enjoyed this movie!! And I would watch it over and over again only to remind me of the importance of friendship, of the courage that your friends can brought onto your life, of the family that you build for yourself and that will always be there for you no matter one.
- Deepwater Horizon. Number 2 on my list: Deepwater Horizon. Every time I think about this movie, I am kind of reliving it. It is an extraordinary movie inspired from real events, and that is the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It is a remarkable piece of movie that depicts very realistically the struggle of a special group of people, their courage, and their empathy next to the envy, the greed and the unfairness existing sometimes in our world. It is an ode to altruistic people. An ode depicted extremely realistically in the performance of Mark Wahlberg, who has an outstanding performance. This movie will be part of my movies collection, and I definitely recommend it to you.
- Suicide Squad. Without any doubts, my Number 1. You basically have to see this movie to form an opinion. As I see this, this is one of those movie, which you will either like it or not. So in my case it was the former case: I definitely liked it, and I liked it a lot. I mean what is not to like? What is not to like in this depiction of Gotham City and its history: finding the good in every person, making a team out of a group of people that do not even like each other, fighting the bad with its own army, seeing that the bad guys are not always the bad guys, the soundtrack (remarkable by the way), the performance of Will Smith (who revives his performance from “I am legend”), the performance of Margot Robbie (who is a way better outlaw than the Joker). Yes a remarkable movie, that I already have in my movies collection.
I hope this list will inspire you and it will give you some good ideas of how to spend some good quality evenings. And what about you: what movies from 2016 would you recommend to watch?
Sincerely yours,