Best Breakfast Ideas: Almond Pancakes with Fried Bananas and Walnuts

Dear Alice,

Today I will share with you yet another great recipe for an unforgettable and a very tasteful breakfast, and that is: the almond pancakes with fried bananas and walnuts recipe. So stay with me for some minutes to get to know the recipe. And I am sure that afterwards you will be more than determined to prepare this recipe for yourself and for your loved ones.

What I really like about this recipe is that it contains blueberries (and I am definitely a big fan of blueberries), and that it contains no flour or sugar, so it is very healthy. It is the perfect breakfast recipe to start your weekends for instance, since it is quite fast to prepare and it represents a very consistent meal. And by the way this is a recipe inspired from the “Friends of Merkur” Magazine. You can find a lot of delicious recipes in these magazines, so do acquire them in your favorite Merkur Supermarket if you get the chance. Usually if you have a “Friends of Merkur” Card, you will get them for free (just as in my case). So here is what you will need to prepare this recipe:

    1. Ingredients:
      • 200 grams ground Almonds
      • Pinch of Salt
      • 1 Teespoons Baking Powder
      • 2 eggs
      • 180 ml Almond milk
      • 3 Tablespoons Cocos oil
      • 2 Bananas
      • Cinnamon
      • 50 grams Walnuts or Almonds
      • Blueberries for topping
      • Honey for topping
    2. Preparation:
      1. Mix the almonds, with the salt, and the baking powder.
      2. Add the eggs and the milk and mix them all together until you get an homogeneous dough.
      3. Leave the dough to rest for at least 15 minutes in the fridge or in a cool place.
      4. Peel the bananas, cut them into 2 pieces each and then slice them vertically.
      5. In a pan heat 1 tablespoon cocos oil mixed with cinnamon, and fry the bananas till they get a golden color.
      6. In a pan heat 2 tablespoons cocos oil and add approximately 60 grams of dough to form a pancake. Form from all the dough pancakes and fry each of them approximately 3 minutes on one side and 1 minute on the other side.
      7. Serve the pancakes with the fried bananas, walnuts (or almonds – I used almonds), blueberries, honey and cinnamon.

This is a glimpse on our delicious pancakes! Do try them, you will not regret it 🙂

I can assure you that these pancakes are a delight, you will immediately fell in love with them. And I must say that they are delicious both warm and cold. So it is definitely one of my favorite breakfast recipe. What about you, what are some of your favorite recipes for breakfast?
Sincerely yours,

