Mom’s Journal: Noon and Afternoon Baby’s Purees and Snacks Recipes

Dear Alice,

Here is a list of useful noon and afternoon baby’s puree and snacks recipes you can prepare for your baby, that I hope you will find helpful. I know I do!

Summary: Remember that every baby is different and you should guide yourself depending on your baby’s reactions and needs. As an example, the meal plan for our 11 old months baby looks like these (below you find the recipes), which could give you some ideas:
Morning Main Meal
Morning Snack
Noon Main Meal
Afternoon Snack
Evening Main Meal

I will cover here the noon and afternoon main meal and snacks recipes, for a reference to the morning main meal and snacks recipes and to the evening main meal recipes, please see the previous blog post: .

Noon Main Meal Recipes

  • Note:
    • From the recipes presented below you will get around 180 grams puree, which is enough for one meal for your baby.
    • This puree is to be given after the 6th month of your baby as a noon mail meal.
    • If you plan to prepare more puree, you can freeze the other portion and then later on use it as a noon mail meal. I usually prepare two portions.
    • After the 8th month of your baby, you can leave the puree composition with bigger pieces of vegetables for your baby.
    • As a note, when the baby is smaller (e.g. before the 8th-9th month) she/he can rather prefer a puree which contains 1 or 2 different vegetables, when the baby is bigger (e.g. after the 8th-9th month) she/he can rather prefer purees which contain 3 or more different vegetables, so most likely the baby is getting used to the new tastes and is exploring new ones.

1. Zucchini with Sweet Potatoes

  • Ingredients:
    • 100 grams Zucchini
    • 50 grams Sweet Potatoes
    • 1-2 Teaspoons Rapeseed Oil (in German: Rapsoel)
  • Preparation:
    • Wash the zucchini and the sweet potatoes, then peel them and cut it in small pieces.
    • Add the zucchini, and the sweet potatoes with 200 ml water in the steamer and steam the pieces of vegetables for 20 minutes.
    • After all the ingredients are steamed, blend all the ingredients together in the blender until you get a smooth composition for the puree.
    • Add 1-2 teaspoons rapeseed oil, mix all together and serve the puree to your baby.

2. Carrots with Potatoes

  • Ingredients:
    • 100 grams Carrots
    • 50 grams Potatoes
    • 1-2 Teaspoons Rapeseed Oil (in German: Rapsoel)
  • Preparation:
    • Wash the carrots and the potatoes, then peel them and cut it in small pieces.
    • Add the carrots, and the potatoes with 200 ml water in the steamer and steam the pieces of vegetables for 20 minutes.
    • After all the ingredients are steamed, blend all the ingredients together in the blender until you get a smooth composition for the puree.
    • Add 1-2 teaspoons rapeseed oil, mix all together and serve the puree to your baby.

3. Pumpkin with Parsnip and Lentils (in German: Kuerbis Pastinaken und Linsen)

  • Ingredients:
    • 100 grams Pumpkin (in German: Kuerbis)
    • 85 grams boiled Lentils – Yellow or Red (in German: Linsen – Gelbe Linsen oder Rote Linsen)
    • 50 grams Parsnip (in German: Pastinaken)
    • 1-2 Teaspoons Rapeseed Oil (in German: Rapsoel)
  • Preparation:
    • Wash the pumpkin, and the parsnip, then peel them and cut it in small pieces.
    • Add the pumpkin and the parsnip with 200 ml water in the steamer and steam the pieces of vegetables for 20 minutes.
    • In parallel, add the lentils in a pot with 125-150 ml water and boil them for about 10-15 minutes. For preparing the lentils you can also follow the instructions from the package itself.
    • Add the boiled lentils to the steamed vegetables in the steamer and blend all the ingredients together until you get a smooth composition for the puree.
    • Add 1-2 teaspoons rapeseed oil and mix all the ingredients together and serve the puree to your baby.

4. Carrots-Parsnip-Celery with Lentils (in German: Karotten-Pastinaken-Sellerie mit Linsen)

  • Ingredients:
    • 40 grams Carrots (in German: Kuerbis)
    • 30 grams Parsnip (in German: Pastinaken)
    • 30 grams Celery (in German: Sellerie)
    • 85 grams boiled Lentils – Yellow or Red (in German: Linsen – Gelbe Linsen oder Rote Linsen)
    • 1-2 Teaspoons Rapeseed Oil (in German: Rapsoel)
  • Preparation:
    • Wash the carrots, the parsnip and the celery, then peel them and cut it in small pieces.
    • Add the carrots, the parsnip and the celery with 200 ml water in the steamer and steam the pieces of vegetables for 20 minutes.
    • In parallel, add the lentils in a pot with 125-150 ml water and boil them for about 10-15 minutes. For preparing the lentils you can also follow the instructions from the package itself.
    • Add the boiled lentils to the steamed vegetables in the steamer and blend all the ingredients together until you get a smooth composition for the puree.
    • Add 1-2 teaspoons rapeseed oil and mix all the ingredients together and serve the puree to your baby.

5. Fennel with Parsnip and Couscous (in German: Fenchel-Pastinaken mit Couscous)

  • Ingredients:
    • 100 grams Fennel (in German: Fenchel)
    • 30 grams Parsnip (in German: Pastinaken)
    • 20 grams Couscous
    • 1-2 Teaspoons Rapeseed Oil (in German: Rapsoel)
  • Preparation:
    • Wash the fennel, and the parsnip, then peel them and cut it in small pieces.
    • Add the carrots, and the parsnip with 200 ml water in the steamer and steam the pieces of vegetables for 20 minutes.
    • In parallel, add the couscous in a pot with 125-150 ml water and boil them for about 10-15 minutes (or less until they are done). For preparing the couscous you can also follow the instructions from the package itself.
    • Add the boiled couscous to the steamed vegetables in the steamer and blend all the ingredients together until you get a smooth composition for the puree.
    • Add 1-2 teaspoons rapeseed oil and mix all the ingredients together and serve the puree to your baby.

6. Zucchini with Calf Meat and Full Grain Rice Flakes (in German: Zucchini mit Kalbfleisch und Volkorn Reisflocken)

  • Ingredients:
    • 100 grams Zucchini
    • 30 grams Calf Meat
    • 20 grams Full Grain Rice Flakes
    • 1-2 Teaspoons Linseed Oil (in German: Leinenoel)
  • Preparation:
    • Wash the zucchini, then peel them and cut it in small pieces.
    • Wash the meat and cut in the small pieces as well.
    • Add the zucchini and the meat with 200 ml water in the steamer and steam the pieces of vegetables for 20 minutes.
    • In parallel, add the full grain rice flakes in a pot with 125-150 ml water and boil them for about 10 minutes.
    • Add the boiled rices flakes to the steamed vegetables in the steamer and blend all the ingredients together until you get a smooth composition for the puree.
    • Add 1-2 teaspoons linseed oil, mix all together and serve the puree to your baby.

7. Zucchini with Sweet Potatoes and Chicken Meat (in German: Zucchini-Suesskartoffel mit Huehner Fleisch)

  • Ingredients:
    • 100 grams Zucchini
    • 30 grams Chicken Meat (Breast or Legs)
    • 50 grams Sweet Potatoes
    • 1-2 Teaspoons Rapeseed Oil (in German: Rapsoel)
  • Preparation:
    • Wash the zucchini and the sweet potatoes, then peel them and cut it in small pieces.
    • Wash the meat and cut it in small pieces as well.
    • Add the zucchini, the sweet potatoes and the meat with 200 ml water in the steamer and steam the pieces of vegetables for 20 minutes.
    • After all the ingredients are steamed, blend all the ingredients together in the blender until you get a smooth composition for the puree.
    • Add 1-2 teaspoons rapeseed oil, mix all together and serve the puree to your baby.

8. Carrots-Potatoes with Pork Meat (in German: Karotten-Kartoffel mit Schweinefleisch)

  • Ingredients:
    • 100 grams Carrots
    • 30 grams Pork Meat (in German: Kareesteak)
    • 50 grams Potatoes
    • 1-2 Teaspoons Rapeseed Oil (in German: Rapsoel)
  • Preparation:
    • Wash the carrots and the potatoes, then peel them and cut it in small pieces.
    • Wash the meat and cut it in small pieces as well.
    • Add the carrots, the potatoes and the meat with 200 ml water in the steamer and steam the pieces of vegetables for 20 minutes.
    • After all the ingredients are steamed, blend all the ingredients together in the blender until you get a smooth composition for the puree.
    • Add 1-2 teaspoons rapeseed oil, mix all together and serve the puree to your baby.

9. Parsnip with Peas and Couscous (in German: Pastinaken mit Erbsen und Couscous)

  • Ingredients:
    • 50 grams Parsnip (in German: Pastinaken)
    • 50 grams Peas (in German: Erbsen)
    • 20 grams Couscous
    • 1-2 Teaspoons Rapeseed Oil (in German: Rapsoel)
  • Preparation:
    • Wash the parsnip, then peel it and cut it in small pieces.
    • Wash the peas.
    • Add the parsnip, and the meat with 200 ml water in the steamer and steam the pieces of vegetables for 20 minutes.
    • In a pot, boil the couscous in 125 grams water for about 10 minutes or until the couscous is done.
    • After all the ingredients are steamed, add the couscous to the steamed vegetables and blend all the ingredients together in the blender until you get a smooth composition for the puree.
    • Add 1-2 teaspoons rapeseed oil, mix all together and serve the puree to your baby.

10. Carrots with Beetroot and Oatmeal (in German: Karotten mit Rote Rueben und Haferflocken)

  • Ingredients:
    • 50 grams Carrots (in German: Karotten)
    • 50 grams Pork Meat (in German: Rote Ruben)
    • 20 grams Oatmeal (in German: Haferflocken)
    • 1-2 Teaspoons Rapeseed Oil (in German: Rapsoel)
  • Preparation:
    • Wash the carrots and the potatoes, then peel them and cut it in small pieces.
    • Wash the meat and cut it in small pieces as well.
    • Add the carrots, the potatoes and the meat with 200 ml water in the steamer and steam the pieces of vegetables for 20 minutes.
    • After all the ingredients are steamed, blend all the ingredients together in the blender until you get a smooth composition for the puree.
    • Add 1-2 teaspoons rapeseed oil, mix all together and serve the puree to your baby.

11. Carrots-Parsnip-Celery with Tomatoes and Full-Grain Pasta (in German: Karotten-Pastinaten-Sellerie mit Tomaten und Vollkorn Pasta)

  • Ingredients:
    • 40 grams Carrots (in German: Karotten)
    • 30 grams Parsnip (in German: Pastinaken)
    • 30 grams Celery (in German: Sellerie)
    • 2-3 Tomatoes of Medium Size
    • 1-2 Teaspoons Rapeseed Oil (in German: Rapsoel)
    • 50 grams Boiled Full-Grain Pasta (in German: Vollkorn Pasta)
  • Preparation:
    • Wash the carrots, the parsnip and the celery, then peel them and cut it in small pieces.
    • Add the carrots, the parsnip and the celery with 200 ml water in the steamer and steam the pieces of vegetables for 20 minutes.
    • Wash the tomatoes and add them to boiled water for about 2-3 minutes. Afterwards peel the tomatoes and let them rest.
    • Boil some pasta for 10 minutes in water without salt in order to get around 50 grams boiled pasta.
    • After all the ingredients are steamed, add the tomatoes and the boiled pasta to the steamed vegetables and blend all the ingredients together in the blender until you get a smooth composition puree.
    • Add 1-2 teaspoons rapeseed oil, mix all together and serve the puree to your baby.
    • Alternatively, if your baby eats already solid food, blend only the steamed vegetables with the tomatoes to get the vegetables-tomatoes sauce and then mix the sauce directly with the pasta.

12. Tomatoes with Avocado and Full-Grain Pasta (in German: Vollkorn Pasta mit Tomaten und Avocado)

  • Ingredients (the following quantities are enough for 2 adults and 1 baby):
    • 240 grams Full-Grain Pasta (in German: Vollkorn Pasta)
    • 2 Avocados
    • 3-4 Tomatoes of Medium Size
    • 1-2 Teaspoons Olive Oil (in German: Olivenoel)
    • Juice from Half a Lemon
  • Preparation:
    • Boil the pasta for 10 minutes in water without salt. From the boiled water spare around 2-3 spoons for later use.
    • Wash the avocado, peel them off and use the fork to make from them an avocado paste. Add the olive oil and the lemon juice to the mashed avocados and mix them all together until you get a smooth avocado paste.
    • Wash the tomatoes, and cut them in small pieces.
    • Add tomatoes, the avocado paste and the water from the boiled tomatoes in a pot and add the boiled pasta mixing them all together.
    • Take around 150 grams of the prepared pasta, add 1-2 teaspoons rapeseed oil, and them mix all together. Serve the pasta to your baby either in solid form or in smashed form after you blend the pasta.

Afternoon Snacks Recipes

1. Pear with Oatmeal (in German: Birnen mit Haferflocken)

  • Ingredients:
    • 100 grams Pear (in German: Birnen)
    • 20 grams Oatmeal (in German: Haferflocken)
    • 125 grams Water
    • 10 grams Butter
  • Preparation:
    • Wash the pear, then peel it and cut it in small pieces.
    • Add the pear with 50 ml water in the steamer and steam the pieces of pear for 5 minutes.
    • In a pot add the oatmeal to 125 ml water and boil them for around 10 minutes.
    • After the pear pieces are steamed, add the boiled oatmeal and the butter to the steamed pear pieces and blend all the ingredients together in the blender until you get a smooth composition for the puree.
    • Serve the puree to your baby.
  • Note:
    • Instead of pear you can use other seasonal fruits like apples, apricots, peaches, plums, Mirabelle plums, nectarine, quinces.

2. Mango with Whole Grain Semolina (in German: Mango mit Vollkorn Griess)

  • Ingredients:
    • 100 grams Mango
    • 20 grams Whole Grain Semolina
    • 125 grams Water
    • 10 grams Butter
  • Preparation:
    • Wash the mango, then peel it and cut it in small pieces.
    • Add the mango with 50 ml water in the steamer and steam the pieces of mango for 5 minutes.
    • In a pot add the whole grain semolina to 125 ml water and boil them for around 10 minutes.
    • After the mango pieces are steamed, add the boiled semolina and the butter to the steamed mango pieces and blend all the ingredients together in the blender until you get a smooth composition for the puree.
    • Serve the puree to your baby.
  • Note:
    • Instead of mango you can use other exotic fruits like papaya, peach, nectarine, apricot.

3. Apples-Kiwi with Whole Grain Semolina (in German: Apfel-Kiwi mit Vollkorn Griess)

  • Ingredients:
    • 50 grams Apples
    • 50 grams Kiwi
    • 20 grams Whole Grain Semolina
    • 125 grams Water
    • 10 grams Butter
  • Preparation:
    • Wash the apples and the kiwi, then peel them and cut them in small pieces.
    • Add the apples and the kiwi with 50 ml water in the steamer and steam the pieces of fruits for 5 minutes.
    • In a pot add the whole grain semolina to 125 ml water and boil them for around 10 minutes.
    • After the fruits pieces are steamed, add the boiled whole grain semolina and the butter to the steamed fruits pieces and blend all the ingredients together in the blender until you get a smooth composition for the puree.
    • Serve the puree to your baby.

Sincerely yours,

